Aerial Panoramas 2020 - 1  January to June
Aerial Panoramas taken with a DJI Phantom 4 Pro or DJI Spark quadcopter.
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Viewers may notice distortion on some pictures.  This is due to the wide angle lens used, taking the pictures
from one single location and then stitching them together later on the computer.
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 All pictures on this website are  © Jon Wornham
Creg-ny-Baa  10/1/20

Agneash  12/1/20

Druidale  18/1/20

Creg-ny-Baa and Glen Roy  19/1/20

Kate's Cottage  19/1/20

East Balwin Valley and Kate's Cottage  19/1/20

East Baldwin Valley and Keppel Gate  19/1/20

Injebreck  22/1/20

Injebreck 22/1/20

Bungalow and Snaefell  5/2/20

Snaefell  5/2/20

Port Cornaa  14/2/20

Ballateare, Jurby  27/2/20

Jurby Head 5/3/20

Jurby Head  5/3/20

Maughold Head  19/3/20

Muaghold Head  19/3/20

Lherghy Frissell  19/3/20

Milntown House  20/3/20

Ramsey  20/3/20

St Luke's Church 23/4/20

Injebreck Reservoir 23/4/20

Langness & Fort Island 24/4/20

Langness & Fort Island 24/4/20

Santon Gorge 27/4/20

Derbyhaven Bay 3/5/20

Castletown 3/5/20

Castletown 3/5/20

Castletown 3/5/20

Castletown 3/5/20

Scarlett 4/5/20

Scarlett 4/5/20

Langness 9/5/20

Langness  9/5/20

Derbyhaven Bay 9/5/20

Derbyhaven 9/5/20

Derbyhaven Bay 9/5/20

Ronaldsway Airport 9/5/20

From Slieau Lhost 13/5/20

From Mullagh Ouyr  13/5/20

Kirkmichael 26/5/20

Bishopscourt 26/5/20

Ballaugh 26/5/20

Ballaugh 26/5/20

Ballaugh Curragh 26/5/20

Ronaldsway Airport 28/5/20  (See the May 2020 page for details as to how this shot was legally and safely done)

Castletown 28/5/20

Castletown 28/5/20

Castletown 28/5/20

Scarlett 28/5/20

Santon Gorge 1/6/20

Port Soldrick 1/6/20

Port Soldrick 1/6/20

Derby Castle, Douglas 14/6/20

Summerhill, Douglas 14/6/20

Port Wallberry and the Marine Drive 14/6/20

Onchan Harbour 25/6/20

Onchan Head 25/6/20

Onchan Harbour 25/6/20

Howstrake 25/6/20

Onchan and Groudle 25/6/20

Howstrake 25/6/20

Sulby Glen and Ballamish 25/6/20

 All pictures on this website are  © Jon Wornham