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 Unless otherwise credited all pictures on this website are  © Jon Wornham
A beach visit!  On Thursday afternoon I determined that conditions were right for a visit to one of my favourite beaches, between Peel and Kirkmichael.  It is far from easy to get to unless you have a boat as it requires quite a steep decent down the cliff, which at this time are covered with a luxuriant growth of bracken, which makes progress down slow and difficult, as there is no defined pathway and you can't see where your feet are.  The other snag with this beach is that most of it is completely covered by the sea at high tide and the little areas left uncovered are cut off from each other, so it needs a little planning! 
Welcome to Lady Port, starting with a couple of 360 degree panoramas. Don't forget to click on the big images for the interactive versions.
DJI Air 2S & Insta360 Ace Pro 1/8/24
Over the weekend there was a rally for Peel Cars on the island and we managed to catch up with them on Douglas Promenade and then the Marine Drive on Saturday afternoon.  The Peel Car was locally constructed in Peel by a company that had previously specialised in boat building, using a fibreglass body shell with the mechanical components attached.  The original version was the single seat P50, with a 50 cc engine, 50 examples were produced between 1962 and 1965 after which a new model, the two seat Peel Trident was manufactured between 1965 and 1966 with around 80 of the new model being produced.  The Peel Viking was a four wheeled sports car based on Mini components.  I believe that two prototypes were manufactured in the Isle of Man, before production moved to England.
Panasonic FZ82  3/8/24
After photographing the Peel Cars, we noticed a tall ship in Douglas Harbour so went along the south quay for a look. She was the 'Thalassa', a Dutch registered barquentine, constructed as recently as 1980 and used as a luxury passenger vessel.
Panasonic FZ82 3/8/24
We had only just arrived back home when this Catalina flying boat passed by Onchan and I was able to get a quick shot of it.
Panasonic FZ82  3/8/24
Yesterday afternoon I set out to take some pictures of former Manx Northern Railway stations for a historical based Facebook group.  I started off at Peel Road with the intention of going as far as Ballaugh or beyond, but was side-tracked at Lhiannag with the beach looking very inviting from the old railway track above!
Panasonic FZ82 6/8/24
Yesterday the island was visited by the massive cruise ship 'Rotterdam' that anchored in Douglas Bay and brought so many visitors that the Snaefell Mountain Railway was reserved for them all day and other visitors and residents were unable to us it.  It didn't affect us though as we had a lovely day in the sunshine at the Royal Manx Agricultural Show at Knockaloe, just south of Peel.
Insta360 Ace Pro & Panasonic FZ82 10/8/24
Some lovely cloud formations at around sunset yesterday.
Insta360 Ace Pro 11/8/24
Some more sunset pictures, taken from home yesterday evening and spanning time from 19:49 until 21:03. 
'Official' sunset time was 20:52 but we're 500 ft above sea level and there are higher hills around.
Insta360 Ace Pro 13/8/24
We have had some very changeable weather this summer, ranging from hot days with hours of sunshine, to overcast skies and heavy rain.  Yesterday was one of the latter, with heavy rain overnight continuing until lunchtime, when it started easing off a bit.  I had a few tests I wanted to do with the Ace Pro, so after lunch set off for the Injebreck waterfall and Druidale, hoping to get some good shots despite the weather.
Insta360 Ace Pro & Panasonic TZ200  15/8/24
After Druidale, I paid a visit to Ballaugh Old Church, just north of the village of the same nam, at The Cronk.  The church dates from around the 11th Century, but was extended and altered in the 1700s. It was replaced by the new church in Ballaugh village in 1832 and fell into disrepair, but was restored in 1877 and again in 1955.  It is still used occasionally for weddings, used to be open daily but is now generally locked up and (I think) only open on Saturdays or for services.
Insta360 Ace Pro 15/8/24
The final port of call on Thursday afternoon's trip out was Ballaugh Shore.  By the time I arrived there the cloud had rolled away from the sun, and it was hard to imagine that for most of the day there had been heavy rain and thick overcast.  Most of the pictures are from the Ace Pro, with couple by the TZ200, but the sticking lens problem has recurred with this camera and being repaired once before I think that it's time to retire it from the operational collection.
Insta360 Ace Pro & Panasonic TZ200  15/8/24
The superb Milntown Gardens are probably looking at their best right now.  We went there for lunch on Friday followed by a leisurely wander round.
Panasonic FZ82  16/8/24
Seals at The Sound!
Panasonic FZ82  17/8/24
There are five new Railway pictures in Railways 2024 Pt1
Panasonic FZ82  17/8/24
The full moon over Douglas Bay just after midnight.
Insta360 Ace Pro   20/8/24
A stroll around Port St Mary on Tuesday afternoon, a lovely sunny day until a rain shower arrived!
Nikon D7100 20/8/24
Port Erin
I originally shot these pictures for posting on a Facebook group, but though that some visitors might be interested - buying eggs, Manx style!
Insta360 Ace Pro 22/8/24
There are three new Railway pictures in Railways 2024 Pt1
Insta360 Ace Pro 22/8/24
We've had some spells of very poor weather this month, with torrential rain and strong to gale force winds causing havoc to the Manx Grand Prix motorcycle racing and to the intensive ferry sailings required to bring visitors over.  However, in between there have also been some nice days and on Thursday afternoon when enthusiasts were watching high speed practising on the TT Mountain Course, I set off for some peace and quiet in Ballaglass Glen!
Nikon D7100  22/8/24
A set of pictures with a nautical theme!  Due to poor weather conditions on the English side of the Irish Sea, combined with port restrictions at Heysham, Steam Packet sailings had been disrupted.   What was a big inconvenience for passengers allowed a unique photo opportunity with all four current Steam Packet vessels at  Douglas together.  Despite some rather poor weather, with regular heavy rain showers, I set out to see if I could capture them in one picture.
Panasonic FZ82 25/8/24
Regular visitors to the website will know that I love taking aerial pictures, and since I no longer have a current pilots license I use drones.  This month I've hardly flow at all, mainly due to the rubbish weather we have had, but also partly due to the large restricted area that's been in force latterly to protect the airspace around the TT course for the safety of air ambulances that may be operating at low level in that area.  Yesterday the weather looked promising, do I set off to the north of the island with four potential locations in mind, in the end I cancelled after the second one as the wind was picking up towards the limits for the mini drone.
DJI Mini 2 29/8/24
After arriving home I noticed that the cruise ship that had visited the island today was departing, so took these shots from my window.  Compared to some of the monsters that have visited, looking like giant blocks of floating flats, the 'Star Legend' has a lot of style!
Yesterday afternoon we had a stroll around Langness, first time for quite a while.  We didn't have either the time or inclination to do our usual full walk from Fort Island, so just did the southern part of the peninsula from the car park.  A bit of a hazy day but lots of wildlife to see.
Panasonic FZ82 30/8/24
A tale of Three Squares!
A little project that I'd had in mind for a while came to fruition yesterday when the weather conditions were good.  It was to produce some 360 degree panoramas of the City of Douglas, shooting from directly above some of the little public squares there, flying at two heights, 200 and 400 feet.  Don't forget to click on the static panorama images to view them in larger interactive format.
DJI Mini 2 31/8/24
Hutchinson Square
Constructed in 1888 with houses surrounding the square.  During WW2 it was requisitioned for an internment camp which is commemorated in the gardens.
Derby Square
Also constructed in the 1800s although I don't have a year, maybe the houses were built over a period of time?
Woodbourne Square
Construction of the houses and square here started in 1880, the square remained private to the residents until 1938
On the way back home from my 'Three Squares' flying, I had time and batteries left so I had a quick stop at Noble's Park to shoot some more aerial pictures.  No overall vertical picture of the park as it's too big to get all into one shot from the maximum height of 400 ft that is permitted.  During the TT and MGP races, this area is within the Restricted Area promulgated around the whole course, so no drone flying permitted when the roads are closed for races or practices.
DJI Mini 2 31/8/24
This shot is a bit different, I really just did it as a test but though that I'd share it.  It's stitched from a subset of the last 360 degree panorama pictures, but in this case just using some of them to produce a linear format picture.  Some final processing in Paint Shop Pro to give a slightly 'painterly' result.
A final re-working of the linear panorama, this time using Corel Painter.
 Unless otherwise credited all pictures on this website are  © Jon Wornham