September 2013
The main index to all pictures added in the month. Click on a thumbnail to see the full size picture
The Railway and Aircraft pictures have a separate location the website, click on the green text link to see all the pictures
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 Unless otherwise credited all pictures on this website are  © Jon Wornham
4th September
Some pictures taken on a walk yesterday morning, starting at the Black Hut and walking up Clagh Ouyr first and then down
into the Upper Cornaa Valley before returning along the ridge path between that and the Laxey Glen valley. No GPS track on
the map because someone forgot to turn on the tracking before setting off!
5th September
A fiery sunset last night, picture taken from home
Some 'lazy' pictures taken yesterday lunchtime at Douglas Head (taken out of the car window!)
7th September
Two pictures taken this morning after it eventually stopped raining - but look like there will be more!
 25th September
We've been away for the last two weeks staying in a wonderful villa at Playa Blanca on the Canarian island of Lanzarote
27th September
Some pictures taken on Wednesday afternoon around Kallow Point at Port St Mary
28th September
A nice sunset from home last night
Some shots taken yesterday in the back garden using the Nikon D80 with macro lens. 
Taken handheld in a bit of a rush, really should have used a tripod! (excuses, excuses)
 Unless otherwise credited all pictures on this website are  © Jon Wornham